What are The Rules of Physical Attraction: How to Use Your irresistible force to get what you want

What are The Rules of Physical Attraction

What are The Rules of Physical Attraction: You’re a powerful person. So is your irresistible force. That’s why you can get what you want with ease.

The rules of physical attraction are simple, but they work like this: put your irresistible force to work and attract what you want.

It doesn’t matter if it’s someone you know or an opportunity you see in the moment. Just use your power and make things happen.

How to Use Your irresistible force to get what you want?

The following are the general rules of physical attraction:

  • People usually feel attracted to those who match their features.
  • Physical attractiveness is not determined by looks alone, but by the personality, character, and attitude of the person.
  • People often respond better to people with similar interests or lifestyles.

How to Use Your Physical Attraction to Get What You Want?

You need to set limits on what you will give up in order to get what you want.

For example, if you want a date with a certain person, you might not be willing to let them know that you’re only interested in dating women.

In the same way, if you want something specific from someone, it’s important to set limits and be sure that you are getting what you want in return.

For example, if you want to learn more about a certain subject, it may not be possible for you to do so through books or lectures.

  • Instead, try reaching out to the person and asking them for an interview or for permission to film them discussing the topic.
  • Similarly, trying out new things can be difficult if your goals are specific and limited. To take advantage of your physical attraction and make progress on your desired goal, set boundaries and limit yourself accordingly.

Tips for Using Your Physical Attraction to Get What You Want:

When it comes to attracting someone, setting limits is a key part of the equation.

  • You must set boundaries so that you don’t surrender or give up too much in order to pursue your desires.

For example, if you want to attract a romantic partner, you might limit yourself to kissing and touching only as far as necessary in order to maintain a safe distance.

Or, if you’re looking for a job opportunity, you might not offer interviews until you have met certain qualifications or agreed upon work conditions.

Set Limits to What You Will Get in Return:

  • By setting boundaries and focusing on what you want in return, you can increase your chances of achieving your goals.

For example, if you want a relationship with someone, you might agree to limits on talking or dating until the person has proven they are worth your time and effort.

  • Additionally, by setting clear expectations for what will happen once the physical attraction between you two becomes significant, you can reduce the amount of stress associated with trying to get closer than is necessary.

Get What You Want by using Your Physical Attraction:

Physical attraction isn’t just about making love or getting along; it can also be used in other ways such as networking and developing business relationships.

  • In order to maximize the potential of your physical attraction and get what you want from anyone or anything around you, it’s important to use it correctly – and use it sparingly!


Physical attraction can be used to get what you want.

There are a few things you need to do in order to succeed: set limits, use your physical attraction, and get what you want.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to achieve your goals!


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